“ Pumping Pedals” by Maggie Lilleby
SJ Part 4 Number 3 2004
1. Recall
Give a brief summary of the story.
Answer: Sally Davies is the only girl in the BMX. She loves it because she's into it. Sally doesn’t mind that she mixes with the boys and she hopes she see more girls on the track. She loves sports but especially BMX.
2. Infer
What kind of a person is Sally Davies? Tell why you think this.
Answer: She is a girl that loves BMX. Sally really tries her hardest at doing BMX because she just wants to win. She puts all her efforts into it when shes on the track.
3. Evaluate
Explain why you think the author entitled the story as “Pumping Pedals”
Answer: Because its about BMX
4. Think about it
Why do you think Sally would like to attract more girls to the sport of BMX racing?
Answer: She wants to see more girls in the track because she is the only girl in the BMX racing track.
5. Recall
How are the bikes designed and what are they made of?
Answer:They are designed by lightweight aluminium, titanium, or carbon fibre. They are made of metal.
6. Think about it.
Why did Sally groan as she remembered her first racing bike?
Answer: She groan as she remembered her first racing because she didn’t see much girls on the track and because she was the only girl
7. Please explain the racing technique called “pumping” and why it might be important?
Answer: Pumping is important for riders because it helps them go faster
8. Do you think BMX racing is a dangerous sport. Tell why or why not you think this.
Answer: Yes because they might be accident and one of the body might be broken
9. Synthesize
Please tell what you liked most about the story and why or why not you would like to be a BMX racer.
Answer: I really loved the story because Sally Davies loves BMX. I would love to join in a BMX race track one day because there are not much girls that are joining in the BMX race track.
10. Design a flyer to attract and introduce new riders to the sport. Be sure to tell when and where it meets and what equipment is required.
BMX Racing
Where: Waitakere In Auckland
When: Saturday 22nd of January 2014
Time: 4:00pm
Cost: $40 per family
$20 for one person